How To Play...Far Rated Trivia
Social Distancing has created...FaR Rated Trivia. Join us Monday through Thursday and Saturdays for free online trivia!
Monday through Thursday & Saturday
1. Get on your computer and head over to BaR Rated Trivias Facebook Page.
2. Look for the daily post about free trivia at 6pm on BaR Rated Trivia's Facebook Page. This will have a Trivia Link)
3. Head on over to Crowd.Live and enter in the (Daily trivia link) @ 6pm and start to Train Your Brain, win some awesome prizes, and have some phun!!
4. Don't forget to view the live feed on BaR Rated Trivia's Facebook Page!!
5. Like, Subscribe, Share, and Follow us on all the various social media platforms to Train Your Brain daily!!
Fridays Themed Trivia!!
1. Head on over to and purchase tickets for Fridays Themed Games. Tickets are $5.
2. Look for an Email 45 minutes before the game with the special Link)
3. Head on over to Crowd.Live and enter in the (Trivia Link) and start to Train Your Brain, Win some awesome prizes, and have some phun!!
4. Like, Subscribe, Share, and Follow us on all the various social media platforms to Train Your Brain daily!!